
Happiness A-Z

 Happy Friday Crusader!

Shout out to the operations teams on getting over one thousand orders out this week. Job well done!

Happiness comes from our actions. What do you do that make you feel alive and grateful? Those are the things that will foster your happiness in living a satisfying and fulfilling life.





Living in a Mobile World


Hey, team!

Did you know that mobile sales account for at least 30% of all e-commerce in the US? That number is steadily growing worldwide and will continue to do so. How can it not? It is almost way too easy to go on, say, Amazon, and order something to be at your house by the time you get home. With your information saved it's really only a few clicks away.


Another interesting point about these mobile sales is that many restaurants with online ordering options have reported average tickets to be about 20% higher than normal ones because of the customization options. With the simplicity of use, I would imagine those numbers translating into many other e-commerce markets. We know this world very well here at SlideBelts because the Creative and User Experience teams make ours look good. 


With the addition of our Amazon Prime option we have a very busy Operations team. We have to give them some props as they are doing an excellent job streamlining order flow and keeping us on top of our game. SlideBelts grew up in e-commerce and will continue to snowball there if we pay attention to the details. High-five, Ops team. Let's get after it!



One Day at a Time

"The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today." - H. Jackson Brown, Jr.




Sometimes our lives can consist of too many things, causing our brains to not function properly. If you ever feel overwhelmed by responsibilities, which I'm sure you have at some point or another, remember to take things one day at a time. The world doesn't end when you go to bed at night. The sun will rise each and every morning, giving you a new beginning every 24 hours. Don't over work yourself, just do the best you can every day and you will feel more accomplished. That's all anyone can ever ask of you.


Great Job, Kev!!!