Bryan Galyardt

What The Fresh Prince Taught Me

One of my favorite shows growing up was The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. These were reruns that I was watching usually on MTV before I had to catch the bus. I loved how funny Will Smith was, and it was usually a great way to start the day. Every now and again there was an episode that would touch me on a deeper level, and would totally ruin any regular routine I had going that morning. Don't get me wrong, I loved these episodes, but it was kind of embarrassing. You know, we've all been there, at the bus stop with the boys, on the phone with your dad telling him how much you love him for being a great role model and stuff. To say the least, I was the butt of a few jokes that week. 


My point is that all of these episodes helped to illustrate a lot of great lessons. One that stuck with me is that it's not about where you come from, but where you're going. I like to think of this as a daily reminder that today is a new day, and we can take the opportunity to do better than ever before. We can't change yesterday, so we should just strive ahead and keep moving. I'm stoked that I get to share my weeks with all of you, so lets #sendit this week!


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