Kenny Boutte-Nears

Return the Favor

I went back home this weekend and had a wonderful time with my family. It's always nice when you get to go back home, relax, and just chill. However, that is rarely the case for me.

See, my mom is single and every time I go back home she has what I call a "Son-to-do List". This list can include getting boxes out of the attic, putting boxes in the attic, fixing the sprinklers, fixing the garbage disposal, caulking the bathroom tub, mounting her TV, and the list goes on and on.

When I first moved away after college I saw this as a burden and a chore when I just wanted to relax. But as I've matured, I see it as me just returning the favor.

For almost two decades she sacrificed so much to provide for me. The least I could do is make sure her "Son-to-do List" gets checked off as much as possible every time I go home.

So next time you return home ask your parents how you can help and return the favor. It's the least you can do.

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