
Paths to Excellence

I have recently been re-reading a book that is very interesting to me for a few reasons. The Book of Five Rings was written by a famous Ronin Samurai warrior named Miyamoto Musashi in 1645. He was a swordsman that is known to have beaten 60 men in various duels throughout his lifetime. When someone becomes very skilled and disciplined in things, they seem to gain a deeper understanding from their slice of life. Regardless of what he did being good or not, this man had some great quotes that show his overall perspective.


I interpret this to be: once you realize what it takes to be excellent in one facet of life, you see the path towards being excellent in all areas of your life. This guy put things in the simplest of ways and they go so deep. When I look at what accomplishments I have, I can see a pattern in my actions and thought processes that I assume must be the “way”. Duplicating that is hard and takes a combination of focus, determination, and trusting the process.


Try to think of your own life and where you can apply this…literally everywhere. That’s what the quote is about. Be great in all that you do. Do not just leave this warehouse, where we all apply our absolute greatest effort, and then take your foot off of the gas pedal of life when you clock out. Keep pushing, excel in all that you do. Brush your teeth like a champion, tie your shoes and ratchet your belt like one, as well. Once you see the way, you will see it in all things.


The little things matter just as much as the big ones because you know when you are giving your maximum effort or not. Let’s get all that we can out of this Thursday from this moment until the end of the day when you get a great night’s sleep. Earn it. Let’s Go!! 




Work Hard, Play Hard...

Morning, all!


Unfortunately, it is way too common to hear people complain about their jobs and how much time is wasted when stressing out about it. I'm sure many of you can relate when I say that I am lucky to not have that problem!


From the positive work environment to the perks, I really wish everyone who has a job was able to see how a workplace should be. Even the schedule we have here allows me to take advantage of the day before and after work, not to mention weekends. I have plenty of time to take care of my dog, work on projects, spend time with my framily (friends+family).


The list could go on, but I just wanted to take a moment to thank BRIG and MICHELLE for the balanced lifestyle I've been able to create for myself since I started working here!




Which side are you?

Right hemisphere or left hemisphere? Growing up, kids are often labeled pretty quickly as artistic or more of a numbers person. Personally, I think that is a bit of a farce and an injustice to the child. We all have unique abilities, but one of them is the ability to learn and grow as human beings.  


It has been shown that after being injured, the human brain has the ability to regrow pathways. I think that we are all better off if we take the opportunity to stretch ourselves outside of our "zone" and see the world from a different perspective.


Today we are going to being doing some painting. If you have never seen yourself as the artist type, I challenge you to leave that premise at the door and explore that side of your brain. You might just surprise yourself! Either way, we are going to have some fun and what an awesome way to spend an afternoon.