This warm weather that we should be feeling makes me want to get out, and get camping. I love to go somewhere far from roads and lights, so that I can set up a simple tent and watch the stars. It is refreshing to get away from life and recharge ones batteries. I have always loved camping, since my parents have been taking me since I was very little, I have learned to love the long unscheduled days. Over the years I have made some mistakes, like not putting the food in the bear box, or thinking we don't need the rain guard on the tent. I have also learned some fun things, mostly from family and friends, that can make camping even easier. Here is one of our photos from Ireland when we had to hike 5 miles to our next hostel from the train station.
1) You can use a headlamp on a water jug for an easy lantern.
2) Instead of using ice, freeze water in jugs. This way you won't have a watery mess, and you will also have extra drinking water once it thaws.
3) Use a Survival Belt around a tree so you can hang your pans and a towel line.
4) Prepare mac and cheese in a tin or foil container, so you can reheat it over the camp fire later.
5) As some of us know, using dryer lint is great for fire-starting kindling.
6) Plan your vacations, as most national parks have free camping options.
Get out this spring and just leave all your worries and responsibilities at the paved road.
Visualization is one of the most (if not the most) powerful mind exercises you can do. Since 2018 has just begun, it’s time to MAKE A VISION BOARD! Take some time to create a space for yourself to visualize what you want by writing it down or giving it an image on your vision board. You can create a vision board however you want but here are a few tips to get started:
1. Buy poster board or anything that is not an 8.5x11 piece of paper! You want to have space to write, add pictures, glue, glitter…you know?
2. “Sit quietly and set intent” (I saw this one online) This board is just for you! So really think about what you want and how you want to feel when you look at your vision board. I need music to feel inspired and focus but whatever works for you as you sort through your dreams… Do that!
3. Literally, create that board however you want so you feel excited and motivated when you pass by it throughout the day.
4. Place your vision board somewhere you’ll see it. This is important because every time you see your vision board, you’re thinking about what you want and that is key to achieving those goals you’ve set for yourself(:
5. I always add the date at the top of my board (ex: February 2, 2018) and then at the bottom of my board I add the same date, a year in advance (February 2, 2019). This motivates me to complete everything within that year. Anything I do not complete just gets added to next years board ;)
6. You better do this and you better have fun!
Hey Team,
You know what really grinds my gears? When people share things on the internet that aren't true! I try really hard not to be that guy spamming Snopes links all over peoples social media feeds but sometimes it just can't be helped. That said, I decided to look up some popular myths and some even surprised me! Granted, I used Wikipedia as a resource so please feel free to fact check. Trust me, Karma says I deserve it!
* Dairy products do not make bones stronger. Studies show they actually contribute to Osteoporosis.
* Throwing your head back will not stop a nosebleed. In fact, you could end up choking on your own blood.
* Shaving does not makes your hair thicker. Hair grows from the roots, right? So why would cutting the tips off do anything?
* A human will not "explode" in outer space. Take a deep breath and you could survive for a short time! (Just ask Princess Leia).
* If you touch a toad, a wart will not appear. Warts are caused by a human virus.
* Black holes are apparently more like "fuzzy balls" then they are funnels.
* Vikings did not, to our knowledge, wear horned helmets. Blame 19th century artists on that one.
* The sun is not orange. That's right. The sun is white! Apparently we perceive it as orange/ yellow due to atmospheric scattering.
* The standard Earthworm does not become two worms when cut in half. One half can still feed and survive though so don't worry, your childhood isn't completely ruined.
* Goldfish do not have a memory span of a few seconds. They actually have a memory span of many months!
And sadly ... the most life shattering illusion of them all ... Twinkies only have a shelf life of 45 days. I think deep down we all knew the truth. Something that good can't last forever ...