Cassidy Myers

Your Intention For The Week

In the past year I've become slightly obsessed with spin classes at TeamRide in Folsom. It's not the sort of spin class that you see just casually passing a side room at the gym, but the kind in a dedicated spin studio with instructors whose full-time job it is to be a spin instructor. 


In these classes, the bikes are arranged in an amphitheater style formation, all facing a platform where the instructor rides and DJs the class. The lights are low, the music is loud and curated specifically for the ride, and they purposely keep the studio pretty hot throughout the 45 minute class - only occasionally turning the fans on for a short respite from lots of sweating. 

My favorite instructor is Kristi. She's the lead instructor for all of TeamRide's Sacramento locations (Folsom, Midtown and East Sac) and runs the best classes. Not only are her classes the toughest and most physically demanding, but they're also mentally challenging as well.


She starts every class asking her riders to set an intention for the class - something to remember when you lose your breath and your legs start to go dead and your mind starts convincing you that it's fine to turn down the resistance and take a break. During the hills and the isolation intervals, she's in your ear, urging you to remember why you pulled yourself out of bed and to the studio on a Saturday morning or why you showed up for a 6:30 class on Tuesday night after a long day of work. 


Over the years, I've found that this is the sort of motivation I thrive on during a tough workout or in a tough life moment. Setting an intention for what you want to get from a spin class is no different than setting an intention for your week on a Monday morning. So this morning, take a page from Kristi's book and set an intention for this week - personally or professionally. Something you can call back to during the inevitable "down" moments the next 7 days will present to you. The success for your week starts now.


(And if anyone ever wants to try a spin class, you know where to find me! I promise it'll be the best sweat you'll get all week )



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