Emmeline Wilson

The Benefits of being Bilingual

As SlideBelts crusaders, we are constantly looking for new ways to improve our business, our products, and ourselves. One way to work on self-improvement, is to work on becoming bi-, tri-, or quadlingual.


Studies have shown that adults that speak more than one language are more likely to

   - understand others' points of view
   - switch between tasks quickly
   - be better at planning, prioritizing, and decision making
   - have a better working memory

    among other things, when compared to monolingual adults.


    It has also been argued that knowing and practicing a second language can delay the onset of dementia and Alzheimer's for almost 5 years.


    In addition to these cognitive benefits, knowing a second, third, fourth language offers a multitude of social benefits. The world becomes more open. You can comfortably travel to more places. You can multiply the amount of literature or film available to you. You can expand your friend circles. 


    This week, I challenge you all to improve yourself in some way. And if you decide to do this through studying another language, hurrah! I highly recommend German. (I'm going to need someone to practice with when I return.)


    If you want to learn more about the benefits of bilingualism, and see where I got the above information, check out this article.


    And here's various free online services that could aid you in the acquisition of your new language:


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