Kevin Fong

Remember to Breathe

I started Sac State this week. While it is really exciting, it is also extremely nerve-racking and stressful. I walked into my first class and one of the first things the professor said to us was remember to breathe. What good, simple advice! Advice I wanted to share with you all today.


Yes, while just simply breathing is important for actual living, breathing correctly and deeply can help reduce stress, improve mood, remove toxins, increase body strength and keep you performing at your best. Keeping all SlideBelts crusaders performing at their best is always important. So here is a mid week lesson for you all on how to breathe deeply:


Reminder from Cassidy: If you're wanting to contribute to the Louisiana flood donations, they are due by end of day today! I sent out a reminder through Bamboo on Monday afternoon with instructions on how to donate right through your Gusto account, so if you didn't get that note and would like to donate, please see me and I'll walk you through it. Additionally, if you would rather donate via cash or check, those can be given directly to Navi. Don't forget, the company is matching everything we give, so no amount is too small. Thanks, team!


  • Brig Founder & CEO
  • Michelle Chief Creative Officer
  • Navi Senior Administrative Officer
  • Rick Chief Operations Officer
  • Matt Wholesale Brand Ambassador
  • Mark Remote Guest
    Service Technician
  • Rylee Remote Guest
    Service Technician
  • Hauson Product Manager
  • Jeff Wholesale Brand Manager
  • Cassidy Senior Copywriter
  • Andrew Graphic Designer
  • Kevin Supply Chain Specialist
  • Emmeline eCommerce Product
    Data Coordinator
  • Connor Product and Guest
    Service Specialist
  • Trevor I.T. Administrator
  • Courtney Human Resources Manager