Perfection. Wed, Jul 20, 2016
"I don't think you'll ever have a perfect world because we humans are prone to error, and so we're always in search of an upgrade."
-Henry Rollins
Personally I don’t think that perfection is something that we as humans can achieve. What a disheartening idea, if we can’t become perfect why even try? We are intrinsically flawed, we can be selfish, inconsiderate, and plain ‘ol mean. However, just because we can’t reach perfection doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t try, in fact I think that it’s the exact reason we should try. Some may say that not having a clearly defined, finite, quantifiable end goal is futile, but I think the contrary. If there was a finish line of “perfect” to cross, that means the race is over, it means that there is no point in trying anymore, nothing left to do. Having a goal that can be potentially limitless is the perfect reason to keep going, as long as you continue to improve yourself, at any given moment you’ll be the most perfect you that’s ever existed.