Trevor Cummings

Music In The Office

Hey SlideBelts,


As you know, we've had some major ups and downs when it comes to music being played in our office. We've tried a handful of solutions in order to improve the quality and diversity of genre. As Meagan and I have learned - making everyone happy with 100% of the music selections is an impossible task. Keeping those selections CLEAN is also a difficult process - often requiring us to listen through a song in its entirety or researching lyrics online. (I'm looking at you rap. You spit some sick lines and then fit in just enough edge, at the end of the song, to get you bumped out of the playlist).


Anywho! Meagan and I have come up with a decent foundation of a playlist. We have 18 hours of pre-screened content and counting. The whistling, head-nodding, and occasional booty shaking is altogether on the up and up! At this point, I think it is a good idea to take recommendations. The idea here is not to create a ""one size fits all"" playlist. Instead, we are looking to cram in as many of your recommendations as possible. So long as they follow these few requirements.


1:Keep it clean. If the song is bleeping out obscenities, chances are it isn't a good candidate for our brand. Ask yourself: If a guest were to walk into our establishment, would they be put off?


2: Keep it up-beat (mostly). We want to keep the atmosphere of SlideBelts upbeat and energetic.


Here are some quick rules to follow in regards to the music player.


1: Do not skip songs. You may not like a particular song, but someone else in the office very likely does. Be respectful and let them finish their private mosh session. (email us if you HATE a song. I already deleted some questionable Taylor Swift).


2: Keep the volume at 60%. Any lower and the Great Hall can't hear anything. Any higher and Operations can't hear each other talk. So, please, leave the volume dial alone.


Right now I can tell you that Rap/ Country/ R&B are highly under-represented. Please take the opportunity to send in your recommendations to either Meagan or myself.


Thank you!!!

  • Brig Founder & CEO
  • Michelle Chief Creative Officer
  • Navi Senior Administrative Officer
  • Rick Chief Operations Officer
  • Matt Wholesale Brand Ambassador
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    Service Technician
  • Rylee Remote Guest
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  • Hauson Product Manager
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