Courtney Eilhardt

I'll try not to make this all about coffee.

It’s the Wednesday before a 3 day weekend (whoop whoop!), and that means most of us are already starting to formulate weekend plans (if they weren’t already all booked a month ago). I have a few things on my plate this weekend too, but I have to say my favorite weekend plans will always be the ones in which I do absolutely nothing. I'd always chalked this up to the fact that I naturally tend to be an introverted homebody, but recently I came across an article from that explained it in a way that really resonated with me.


The article summarized: “Lazy days are the most emotionally fulfilling because they invite us to slow down and savor life when life gets overwhelming."


The article explains that when we have time to stop and notice and appreciate the small things, we are more fulfilled than when we are rushing around. This may seem like common sense, but for me I know my coffee ALWAYS tastes better on Saturday mornings. Why is that? Well, because my Saturday morning ritual involves grinding the beans, using my Chemex or Aeropress that I don’t have time for on weekdays, and (this is the weird part but bare with me) I sit on the couch and hold the steaming cup to my nose and just breathe it in for at least 5 minutes in silence while it gets cool enough to sip. It sets the tone for my whole day. I get to focus on the elements of coffee I love most instead of just trying to shoot it down to get me to work or the gym asap.


And for those of you who aren't as caffeine-minded, some other snippets from the article:


  •  - Lazy days invite us to notice more and judge less. The green leaves of nature, the brightness of the yellow blossoming rose – all command an awareness of their presence and, in small ways, a curiosity of their being. An emptiness of the mind invites a fullness of expression and of knowing.


  •  - It’s days of self-afforded emotionally fulfilling time luxury that we file away our to-do lists, worries, and momentary burdens for a clear, relaxed mind. And, in that space of the lazy day, everything seems to make sense and a personal sense of purpose effortlessly reveals itself. 


  •  - There is no where else we need to be on a lazy day. And because of this calming effect of knowing that we’re exactly where we need to be, we’re not preoccupied by the distracting fear that we need to be somewhere else, doing something else we should be doing.


      Maybe it’s not this weekend, but be sure to schedule yourself a weekend here soon that’s filled to the brim with absolutely nothing.


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