I'll See You There Thu, Oct 06, 2016
There is no absolute guarantee that these habits will lead you to be a millionaire, but they probably send you in the right direction. Supposedly it takes 66 days to form a positive habit, and becoming a millionaire depends on the person, their drive, and circumstances. I honestly feel that each of us here are in an amazing set of circumstances to achieve that goal, whether it's your goal or not.
After seeing this I have been thinking a lot about my daily habits and how they affect the outcomes of my days. The time that I am spending doing one thing is taking away from something else that may be a more positive action. This works in the other direction, also, so there are habits that keep you away from negative actions too.
These habits each come down to a small decision that you make during your day. Which reminds me in a roundabout way that every minute of our time is invaluable. Once time is gone it can't be brought back. We should fill our time with things that are worthwhile and better the lives of ourselves and those around us. So, I am thinking.... let's follow these habits, use them to make SlideBelts a more successful place and ourselves as well.