Go Where You're Needed - Louisiana Flood Relief Mon, Aug 29, 2016
The devastating storms that recently hit the Southeastern Louisiana region resulted in catastrophic flood damage. The storms, which have since been deemed the worst natural disaster since Hurricane Sandy in 2012, have claimed 13 lives and tens of thousands of homes and businesses.
I think there's often, and understandably, a human tendency to feel "tragedied out" - where, with so many heartbreaking things occurring worldwide, individual efforts for help can feel so inconsequential. That seems to be the case with Louisiana, where the Red Cross has said it will need an estimated $30 million for relief and rebuilding efforts, but has received just $4.4 million in donations as of last Monday.
Reading that, I realized there's so much more I should be doing personally. In addition to making a few donations to organizations on the ground, I thought this could be a great opportunity to harness the power of the incredible community we have at SlideBelts to do even more, as a collective, for the devastated people and animals of Louisiana.
That being said, Brig and Michelle have graciously offered for the company to match every dollar that we donate as employees. If you're interested in contributing, donations can be made right through your Gusto account. You can easily set a donation amount to be held out of your next paycheck (9/6) and Gusto even takes care of your W-2 reporting for you - no need to save the receipt for tax deductions next April! I'll be sending out a company-wide email later today with instructions on how to set up your donation through Gusto, so keep an eye out if this is something you're interested in contributing towards.
"No one can do everything, but everyone can do something."