Check Out My Kicks! Thu, Mar 29, 2018
Hey SlideBelts,
In the spirit of trying new things and getting out of my comfort zone.. I'm going to show you my new shoes! I totally have to blame Cassidy for this, because I've worked with her for 2 years and have learned more about shoes (Nikes) then I have throughout all of my previous years.
I never considered shoes to be a big deal. I mean, I pretty much exclusively wear mud boots. I was raised on a horse ranch so mud with shoes is like mud with trucks - it just makes sense! (I also used to have a serious issue with dirt buildup under my work desk because I have been living in a construction zone for the last 4 years.)
Recently though, I've been going through a massive quality of life change. My kids now have their own rooms, we have beds that no longer break our backs, and we have plenty of closets to neatly put away our clothes (shoes). It's been great, and has made me realize that I have a golden opportunity to take care of my stuff and my self.
They may not be super expensive ... but they are a pretty large step up for me. (hahaha puns)