Star Cooper

We Can't All Be Superman

I so often find myself with a mound of daily "to do's"- run to the grocery store, do a load of laundry, fix dinner and meal prep for the week, help oldest with homeschooling, deep clean the bathroom, take back recycling, squeeze in daily walk on the way to take the kids to the park, swing by the library..the list goes on. My biggest issue is, I try to get it all done in one day. Trying to get it all done in one day can already be a huge hill to climb, now add two tiny humans and a beard to the mix, and it can quickly become overwhelming. 
There are going to be times we can't do everything and that's okay!
  • Brig Founder & CEO
  • Michelle Chief Creative Officer
  • Navi Senior Administrative Officer
  • Rick Chief Operations Officer
  • Matt Wholesale Brand Ambassador
  • Mark Remote Guest
    Service Technician
  • Rylee Remote Guest
    Service Technician
  • Hauson Product Manager
  • Jeff Wholesale Brand Manager
  • Cassidy Senior Copywriter
  • Andrew Graphic Designer
  • Kevin Supply Chain Specialist
  • Emmeline eCommerce Product
    Data Coordinator
  • Connor Product and Guest
    Service Specialist
  • Trevor I.T. Administrator
  • Courtney Human Resources Manager