Anna Jobson

All Endings Are Also Beginnings

Hello Crusaders! As we are all already aware, we will no longer be participating in the daily loops. As it stands, however, I have been tasked with updating our last loop for the foreseeable future. So, I went back over our old loops. It was quite an interesting ride too! I skimmed through many of them because I was interested to see what the loop was like in its infancy and boy was it a journey. One of inspiration, humor, and some neat information! You all have shared so much of yourselves and used this tool as a platform for sharing positivity and inspiration for your fellow co-workers and guests who read our daily loops.


I really want to take this time to thank you all for your wonderful contribution to this project. I know it can be quite difficult at times to write something on the spot and we all feel really critical of our writing and messages (or is that just me?) Anyways! I personally will miss this. I'll miss the updates from coworkers about their annual hunt for the perfect Christmas tree or the inspirational sports updates and even the informative look at human behavior and how we can "growth hack" ourselves to be better more productive humans. So again I thank you all for providing what you have to this loop and hopefully in the future we can look forward to seeing more. But for now this is Crusader Anna signing off. :)



  • Brig Founder & CEO
  • Michelle Chief Creative Officer
  • Navi Senior Administrative Officer
  • Rick Chief Operations Officer
  • Matt Wholesale Brand Ambassador
  • Mark Remote Guest
    Service Technician
  • Rylee Remote Guest
    Service Technician
  • Hauson Product Manager
  • Jeff Wholesale Brand Manager
  • Cassidy Senior Copywriter
  • Andrew Graphic Designer
  • Kevin Supply Chain Specialist
  • Emmeline eCommerce Product
    Data Coordinator
  • Connor Product and Guest
    Service Specialist
  • Trevor I.T. Administrator
  • Courtney Human Resources Manager