Succeeding at What Matters Thu, Feb 02, 2017
“I used to be afraid of failing at something that really mattered to me, but now I'm more afraid of succeeding at things that don't matter.”
Bob Goff anyone? If you haven't heard of him, I'll fill you in: he's one of the coolest guys ever. I've seen him speak a few times and each time was better than the last.
His personality is larger than life and his attitude is infectious. If I could quote his whole book I would, but we've got work to do!
His personality is larger than life and his attitude is infectious. If I could quote his whole book I would, but we've got work to do!
Above is a quote that I've been reflecting on over the past couple days. It's been a reminder to myself to 1. not be afraid to fail, and 2. to be mindful about how I spend my time.
I obviously have some things in my life that matter to me that I strive to succeed in (for example, design), but I also want to succeed at the things that Bob says "matter." Things like being a good friend, a good listener, an encourager, and a hard worker. I think too, by striving to succeed at these things that "matter," we also may tend to become better coworkers to one another, and all-around better humans as well.
Happy succeeding, everyone :)
And also, lol: