Brain Blast Thu, Mar 09, 2017
Happy Thursday! It's a beautiful day to start off the day with some brain teasers! Brain teasers and puzzles like these have been found to boost overall brain activity, improve memory and brain processing speed, and also improve concentration Get all of them correct and I'll give you a kudos (no googling)! I have faith in you! 🤓
When I'm young I'm tall
When I'm young I'm tall
When I'm old I'm short
When I'm alive I glow
Because of your breath I die
What am I?
What am I?
You may enter, but you may not come in,
I have space, but no room,
I have keys, but open no lock
What am I?
What am I?
What does not live but can die?
What breaks and never falls and what falls and never breaks? (2 things)
What runs but never walks, has a mouth that never talks?