Cassidy Myers Senior Copywriter

Make Something Great

I've written about Seth Godin before, and how he routinely drops knowledge in the most basic way possible. And that's a compliment - it's all too common for authors, creators, journalists and really, anyone who writes, to over-complicate the message they're trying to convey with big words and long sentences. Seth doesn't fall into this trap, and typically ends up saying the most with the least.


His blog post this morning read simply:


Make something great 

Not because it will sell.

Not because it's on the test.

Not because it's your job.

Merely because you can.

The alternative (waiting for the world to align in a way that permits you to make something great) is hardly worth pursuing, right?


Basic words, simple principles and a powerful meaning. Humans are made to be creators - whether the creation is as basic as our great ancestors creating shelter in a cave, or our modern contemporaries creating shoes and websites and novels and airplanes and architectural marvels and SlideBelts.


Everything you see is a result of human creativity. The Shake Weight and the Selfie Stick are examples that there really is no limit to that creativity. So go, see, do and create - not for the money or the fame or the recognition, but because it's what we are meant to do.


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