Baby Bird Nursery Tue, Aug 20, 2019
My favorite "Hobby" is Animals! I love to squeeze, cuddle, hug, love and care for animals of all shapes and sizes. This summer from May to August I have been volunteering a few days a week at a Baby Bird Nursery in Diamond Springs for Sierra Wildlife Rescue. The Sierra Wildlife Rescue’s main goal is to take in many different species of wildlife in El Dorado County, that may be injured or orphaned and help rehabilitate to then be released back into the wild. At the baby bird nursery I helped care for song birds that have been injured or fallen out of their nests. It was super rewarding to get back into the field of animals and get my hands dirty. I got to pet, feed and care for many different bird species. Below I have pictures of me caring for the different baby birds. I also threw in a picture of a baby squirrel.