Why You Should Get A Dog Tue, Feb 05, 2019
Many people seem to have an intrinsic love for animals; I am one of them. At the moment I have a bad case of puppy fever. I see a dog, we lock eyes and I have to go pet it. While this may seem ~weird~ to some, humans actually have biological reasons to love dogs. Because of this symbiotic relationship, there are some major bennies to consider:
1 Improved heart health
2 Keeps you active...
3 ...which can help you lose weight
4 Improve your social life
5 Reduce stress
6 Add meaning and purpose to your life
7 Prevent depression
8 Prevent (your kids) allergies
9 Reduce risk for general illness
10 You’ll feel safer
So if you want to be happier, healthier, and live longer then you should get a dog!*
*note: the author of this post does not have a dog.