Meagan Torres

What's Your EQ?

This morning I listened to one of my favorite Podcasts, The Model Health Show and the topic was “Emotional Intelligence”. I find it really interesting that there are so many studies showing that emotional intelligence is a greater predictor of career success than having a high IQ!  Below are a the biggest take a ways for me:


4 things to consider with your emotions

  1. Identify
  2. Evaluate
  3. Control- after evaluation, ask yourself, is it true? Is it accurate? All emotions have value but it’s important to control them rather than allowing them to control you.
  4. Express


Raising your Emotional Intelligence

  1. Read more fiction...
  2. Play games (Board games & card games)
  3. Meditate…This is the answer to life though
  4. Sleep…Don’t be Tangry! (Tired and angry)
  5. Practice Mindful Eating... How and why are you eating? Be present with your food.
  6. Self Reflection
  7. Observe Others



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