Rylee Johnson

Treat People not Problems

Last week I watched the movie “Patch Adams” featuring Robin Williams. While it was a heart-wrenching story and chalk full of humor, it also taught me a valuable life lesson!

“You treat a disease, you win, you lose. You treat a person, I guarantee you, you'll win, no matter what the outcome.” -Patch Adams

Maybe it just hit close to home for me because I’m studying nursing, but, I really loved how the focus was on making people’s lives better, not simply curing a disease. The Guest Service focus at SlideBelts is also on creating a happy guest, it goes along the same lines. When we help a person, not a problem our actions have a longer-lasting effect. This same concept can apply to relationships and many other areas of life. Never miss out on an opportunity to connect with people, our brains are hardwired to appreciate that, it goes a long way! :)



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