The Ultimate Dream Vacation Thu, Sep 17, 2020
Hey everyone! I have been wanting to write a blog post about this topic for quite some time now. As some of you may already know, I have been learning how to speak and read Japanese for the last few months.
With that being said, I am definitely hoping to make my dream vacation a reality someday (hopefully soon). I would absolutely love to take a trip to Japan, specifically Tokyo, Osaka, and Kyoto.
Of course, this trip would need to be between one to three weeks in length, as I would want to thoroughly explore the cities, popular destinations, and family-owned restaurants. I would love to try the authentic foods, including takoyaki, taiyaki, onigiri, and udon. I specifically love their arcades and claw machines, so this would take up a good portion of my vacation and my spending money!
While parts of Japan are highly advanced in architecture, transportation, and technology, I would still like to see the traditional aspects of this beautiful country. I would certainly dedicate a full day or two to seeing the temples, country-side, and traditional art (including shodo). It is the mix of the new and the old that intrigues me, as I believe this culture balances both quite well.