Courtney Abrew

Radio Rental

It’s so hard to pick just one podcast to tell you about today; I burn through so many! 
Radio Rental is a new one I happened upon, and it’s kind of funky, but it has a little bit of everything in it. Believe it or not, it’s a mix of the following: Payne Lindsey (host of the Up and Vanished + Atlanta Monster podcasts), horror, humor, and Dwight Schrute. Now if that doesn’t intrigue you I don’t know what will. In short, it’s a retelling of spooky true stories, as told in a sometimes light-hearted way by the people who experienced them, alongside Payne Lindsey and Rainn Wilson. 
And that’s all I’ll tell you..It’s kind of hard to explain so you’ll just have to check it out for yourself!


And now, I can’t help but share a few other little bonus nuggets I’ve recently discovered, in case your queue needs a little refreshing:

The Mysterious Mr. Epstein: If you’re like me and didn’t know much about him before his recent death, this is a great [unbiased] beginning-to-end story that will catch you up to present day.

Hit Man: About a controversial how-to book written on becoming a hitman, and the debate on the first amendment that followed its publishing. 

Man In The Window: A different perspective of the infamous Golden State Killer, from the people who knew him throughout his life.

And lastly, Inside Trader Joe’s: An inside look at what makes them and their products so amazing! A must-listen if you shop there.

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