Kevin Fong


HAUSON this one is for you!

The holidays may be over, but the New Year celebration and commitments to our resolutions persevere with National Green Juice Day on January 26. National Green Juice Day was established in 2016 as a way to encourage people to stick to their health and wellness resolutions by drinking a green juice.

There are several veggie-centric ways to celebrate and inspire health and wellness habits in the New Year.


  1. GO to the Nugget and grab a bottle of cold-pressed green juice. It's a simple way to get more nutrients from green vegetables in your daily diet.
  2. Or do what Hauson does and start off your morning by making your own green juice at home.
  3. Share photos on social media using #NationalGreenJuiceDay and #GotMyGreens.


After finding that more than 50 percent of Americans, excluding Hauson, break their New Year’s resolutions by the end of January*, Evolution Fresh founded National Green Juice Day in 2016 as a way to empower people to press ahead with their wellness resolutions by drinking a green juice.

  • Brig Founder & CEO
  • Michelle Chief Creative Officer
  • Navi Senior Administrative Officer
  • Rick Chief Operations Officer
  • Matt Wholesale Brand Ambassador
  • Mark Remote Guest
    Service Technician
  • Rylee Remote Guest
    Service Technician
  • Hauson Product Manager
  • Jeff Wholesale Brand Manager
  • Cassidy Senior Copywriter
  • Andrew Graphic Designer
  • Kevin Supply Chain Specialist
  • Emmeline eCommerce Product
    Data Coordinator
  • Connor Product and Guest
    Service Specialist
  • Trevor I.T. Administrator
  • Courtney Human Resources Manager