Lessons from the Backcountry: The Open Road Thu, Dec 01, 2016
Before the backcountry comes the road; the more than likely long, grueling drive that takes you to your destination. What excites me the most about the open road is what it offers: possibilities. We plan, we map, we make decisions for this part we normally don't look forward to, but, when the rubber hits the road everything changes. At least it does for me. Maybe it's the vastness of looking at a map or the calling of a cleverly named roadside diner but there is always something that pulls me away from my ridged plans.
Many see this as a negative, a distraction from a goal. But my fondest memories have been simple distractions that have perked my attention. So, as you roll through your busy day today, look around, smell the roses, and embrace the distractions around you! Then get back on the road and suddenly the hard parts of your road will be much easier to drive through.
An unnamed lake of the 396... on of my favorite memories on the road!