Embracing Constraints Wed, Apr 26, 2017
I stumbled across a concept recently in the book “Rework” from SBU that really changed the way I look at things. Isn’t it funny how the simplest concepts are the ones that really knock you off your feet?
Instead of paraphrasing, I’ll just quote it, since it’s short and sweet:
“I don’t have enough time/money/people/experience.” Stop whining. Less is a good thing. Constraints are advantages in disguise. Limited resources force you to make do with what you’ve got. There’s no room for waste. And that forces you to be creative.
Ever seen the weapons prisoners make out of soap or a spoon? They make do with what they’ve got. Now we’re not saying you should go out and shank somebody - but get creative and you’ll be amazed at what you can make with just a little.
When is the last time you viewed your constraint as an advantage? Make it today.
(Oh - and go pick up a book from SBU)