Backpacking trip...check! Thu, Jul 18, 2019
My trip to Big Basin Redwoods State Park in Boulder Creek last year has definitely been one of my most memorable summer vacations. Although it was my first time backpacking, I wasn’t too worried about the 21 mile hike. As most of you guys already know, I’m a pretty active person. I exercise 3-4 times a week and that usually includes a 2 mile run, so in general I was pretty confident. A few weeks before our trip one of my buddies suggested we do a practice hike. Very wisely the rest of us were all like “Nah we are good!” We were wrong though…very wrong.
First, we didn’t keep in mind the weight of our backpacks, which was probably between 30-40 pounds. Second, a few miles into the hike we found out that the first 11 miles of the trail consisted of us going up a mountain. And last but not least, it was a very hot day which made things worse. Six miles into the hike one of my friends (who is also a very active person) told us that we needed to take a break because he was about to puke. He became pale and his hands started to shake, so we told him to sit. With a smile on his face he said “Yo, I don’t think I can do this for three days in a row, just leave me here man” and we all laughed. My other friend reassured us that we only had 5 more miles of this, and that things got better after that. We all laughed again. To keep things positive I insisted that we were good, and that we just needed to chill for a little bit. The reality was that I was also starting to feel nauseous and my legs were starting to cramp. In my mind things weren’t as positive. In that moment might actual thoughts were “Five more miles of this?! Okay…I might die today. Either my heart or legs are going to give up before we get to our campsite. This trip was a dumb idea”.
The good news is that we all made it just fine and we had a great time. I have never experienced nature like that in my life. The views were breath taking. The trail starts on a rocky environment, then everything becomes tall and green as we go deep into the forest. One of the most amazing parts of this trail is that it ends at the beach, which is pretty crazy if you ask me. The scenery we got to experience made those first 11 miles worth it. It was just one of those trips that stays with you forever. Although I told myself that I was probably not going to do it again, we are currently planning our next backpacking trip for 2020.
(Yeap, of course I was out there using and showing off my survival belt )