
Saturday Morning Soccer

Maybe I'm the outlier here, but one of my favorite things about fall is the ramping up of soccer around the world. Since I live on the west coast, most of the games are on in the morning! I love waking up Saturday and Sunday morning and turning on a game. Since games are played in multiple time zones there's usually one on all morning into the early afternoon. It's especially nice on a lazy Sunday where I can just plop on the couch and not move for a couple hours! 

Oh yeah it's nice that it's not 100 degrees out anymore too! 


Favorite Things About Fall

My favorite things about Fall would definitely have to be football and food!


The 49ers are playing super terrible this year, but it is still really fun to watch all of the games.


My favorite foods include chili chicken stew and of course the Thanksgiving meal! Mashed Potatoes are just the best!


Happy Fall Y'all!


A Few of My Favorite Fall Things

It is impossible to pick out one favorite thing about Fall because there are several things I love about this season. In no particular order, here are a few things I love about Fall...

New home décor

New Fall clothing

The orange trees

The chill and bonfire nights  

And best of all, celebrating the Holidays!


                                    Happy Fall season everyone! 🍁