My husband and I love trying new things, especially when it comes to new foods. The other day we decided to try something for the first time, durian "the forbidden fruit". If you're wondering what the heck durian is, well I'll tell you.. the dictionary describes it as, "an oval spiny tropical fruit containing a creamy pulp. Despite its fetid smell, it is highly esteemed for its flavor."
Most people who have tried durian describe it as a strange combination of savory, sweet, and creamy all at once. A durian is supposed to have subtle hints of chives mixed with powdered sugar. It's supposed to taste like diced garlic and caramel poured into whipped cream
But if you ask people like Andrew Zimmern, he'll say it's too much for him to handle.
I always try to keep an open mind when I'm trying something new, but I won't lie, I was super nervous! I mean, Andrew Zimmern travels the world eating crazy things for a living and he can't even stand durian.
I had no idea what to expect. Finally time came for us to give it a whirl.
The very first thing that hit me was the odor. It smelled like a rippened mango mixed with rotten onions and garlic that had been sitting in the garbage for a week. Let's just say it was not the most pleasant of aromas.
Next, we tried it.
Oh boy, how do I describe the taste of durian?
Imagine you have a nice cut mango in front of you. Now imagine taking a bite of said mango but you're surpised to find it has a creamy texture, like custard, and taste almost like carmel. Doesn't sound too bad, right? You find yourself almost wanting to like it! Now imagine that same bite, but someone just spilled garbage juice on it. Boom!
That my friends, is what durian taste like.
Am I glad I tried it? Of course! Would I ever do it again? Nope, hard pass.
Hello SlideBelts,
Without diving into too many details, a good amount of you know that I have been going through some rough times. I recently lost a very important member of my family. I want to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of you for showing me so much support. I received texts/ emails/ signed cards/ flowers and more.
To me, that's one of the BEST parts of working at SlideBelts. Even before I approached management/ HR, I knew my SB fam had my back. I could easily write about how lucky we all are to be allowed to work in such a supportive environment, but honestly that isn't the case. Everyone who works here is entirely responsible for making this an awesome place to work. You come in every day asking about shoes, discussing movies, planning quiz nights, questioning life's difficulties, and most importantly ENCOURAGING each other.
It's badass, it's inspiring, and it HELPS.
So yeah, Thanks!
Yesterday was my one-year anniversary with SlideBelts and I can’t believe it! I guess time really does fly when you’re having fun! :)
I have loved every minute of my job, from the hilarious skype calls to the hard-working “get er done” moments. Our SlideBelts family works AMAZINGLY together, I am so lucky to be a part of it.