Josh Montenegro-Sanchez

Well...who knew?!

Art and music are two things that have always intrigued me. I took an art class during the summer of 08 while I was still in High School. What can I say, I felt in love with it. Not sure what happened, but that same passion for art that I developed in that class died the day summer school ended.  


It still amazes me how someone can create a melody that they have never heard of before, or paint something that they’ve never seen with their own eyes. I’ve always desired to have that type of creativity in my life, but the truth is that I just never really committed to it. I guess maybe a part of me believed that creativity was something you were born with, just like a talent. Regardless, a few months ago I decided to give art another try, and just like that, a new passion grew up in me. Like Denzel Washington once said on his commencement speech at the University of  Pennsylvania “To get something you never had, you have to do something you never did”.  


I first dove into digital art and started to learn the basics of it. The interesting part was that while I was still learning the basics of digital art, photography also sparked an interest in me. At that point I also decided to learn about photography. Now that I know the basics of digital art and photography, I started to practice them and I couldn’t be any more excited. 


A year ago I would have never imagined that I would develop a passion for digital art and photography. Here I am now with a weekly schedule of an hour a day either practicing photography, digital art, or Photoshop. These two new hobbies helped me discover something about art that I didn’t know before. It made me realize that creativity is not necessarily something you are born with, but something that comes through experience and practice. I’m not going to sit here and write that my pictures and drawings are now masterpieces, but I got to admit, they are a little less crappy compared to when I started a few weeks ago. In the end, it doesn’t matter how good you are at your hobby, you just have to make sure you truly enjoy doing them!


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