Courtney Eilhardt

Taking Feedback like a Crusader

In light of reviews, new years resolutions, new hairstyles, or whatever new is going on in your life as 2017 is off to a start, I thought I'd share some thoughts on how to take feedback like a champ. These tips are from an original article by The Muse entitled "How to Take Constructive Criticism Like a Champ," but I prefer the term feedback. Keep these tips in mind during your review, or anytime you receive feedback from anyone in your life that your knee-jerk reaction may be unpleasant to at first:


1. Stop your first reaction: In fact, try not to react at all. Give yourself a few seconds to remain calm and process the words being said.

2. Remember the benefit of getting feedback: whether the situation warrants to improve skills, working habits, relationships, etc. 

3. Listen: Now that you're "calm and cool as a cucumber"(as my mother would say. Don't ask where it came from because I don't know) you can receive and process the words being said without going into defense mode by instantly mapping out a plan of rebuttal. 

4. Say thank you: And this is important! If you react badly to feedback, others may not be willing to give you anymore down the road, and as tough as it may be to take sometimes, I think we can all agree that in most instances we can gain something good from it. Also, remember that a lot of times feedback is as difficult to give as it is to take.

5. Ask Questions: Deconstruct the feedback you're receiving by repeating it back to the giver, and ask questions to clarify: "I hear that I need to be writing more detailed emails, could we discuss how I might go about this in the future?"


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