Nery Solano

Story Time with Nery

A few hours of backroads driving and everything starts to look the same. I was on my own searching, for what I was not quite sure: adventure, fun, solitude?

Winding through these opens roads gave me ample time to think about my reasons. Not just for why I was out here in the middle of nowhere but, why I did anything.

I guess that is why many of us seek these wild places to find something, to find ourselves. Bumping around in my little truck I am not sure if I found myself but, I did realize something: I love stories. I realized that all I wanted to be was an old man with good stories.

I often find myself lost and grossly ill prepared. I am not sure if this makes me an awesome adventurer or a terrible one; either way, it makes for great stories.

So Dive into life and find your stories.

P.S. Happy Valentines Day!

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