Cassidy Myers

Greetings From The Future

**We interrupt your regularly scheduled post about the Kentucky Wildcats to bring you a message from one of everyone's favorite Crusaders, Emmeline!**


Good morning from 9 hours in the future!


Guess what! I’m back! I am ecstatic to be back at SlideBelts and look forward to working with all of you again, even in a remote situation. I missed you all! Feel free to shoot me an email from time to time. 


I just need to warn you all that living in Europe for approximately two months has made me about three times more cultured and two times more knowledgeable about all things. So I’d like to impart a bit of that wisdom to you here.

When you reach a river in life that seems uncrossable, take a grumpy selfie with said river, and then show it who’s boss by just crossing the dang thing. Walk straight through and surprise the sheep that were watching you from the other side, taking bets on whether you’d cross. Sure your toes may go a little numb, but the warmth that comes from the satisfaction of crossing an uncrossable river will definitely counteract that.


Don’t just get your feet wet – jump in. Take that dancing class you’ve been thinking about. Wear the bright purple sweater hanging in your closet. Join the LARP group you’ve seen at the park from time to time. Quit your job and move to Germany. Just do it.

(Except not that last one – that’s my thing.)



  • Brig Founder & CEO
  • Michelle Chief Creative Officer
  • Navi Senior Administrative Officer
  • Rick Chief Operations Officer
  • Matt Wholesale Brand Ambassador
  • Mark Remote Guest
    Service Technician
  • Rylee Remote Guest
    Service Technician
  • Hauson Product Manager
  • Jeff Wholesale Brand Manager
  • Cassidy Senior Copywriter
  • Andrew Graphic Designer
  • Kevin Supply Chain Specialist
  • Emmeline eCommerce Product
    Data Coordinator
  • Connor Product and Guest
    Service Specialist
  • Trevor I.T. Administrator
  • Courtney Human Resources Manager