
Tuesday, June 14th. The power of the P’s.

Good Morning Crusaders!


Whatever goals you want to achieve, you can do it. Adjust your mindset. Each day is another chance to get after it. What will you do today to set yourself up for success?



Start the week off like a champion.

I was reading a blog this weekend about successful entrepreneurs and some of their routines. Here's just a few things that I found many of them do to start their week!

1. Wake up early
2. Exercise
3. Eat a healthy breakfast
4. Arrive early
5. Clear your desk and desktop
6. Carve out time for unexpected projects and tasks
7. Greet your team members
8. Update to-do lists and goals
9. Visualize the weeks success
10. Screen emails for urgent requests
11. Tackle the tough challenges first
12. Smile
13. Say no
14. Stay focused
15. Remember that there is always Tuesday

Happy Monday Team!


Howdy from Nashville!

Hope everyone is having a great week! ( you know I am )  
Finish strong with a great Friday team! I will see you on Monday (a couple pounds heavier from Aunt Wanda's cooking) but will have plenty of stories to tell! 