Story Time with Nery Tue, Jan 10, 2017
Crowley is one of those magical places; a rare place where the wild still overpowers the developed. He was a young boy making his way west in search of an untamed land and adventure. One of the most memorable ones was the time he met a girl.
He had been exploring the many naturally occurring hot springs in the area and had been invited to join a group of friends to one nearby named boardwalk. As the sun began to set, they made their way out into the arid desert landscape in search of this hydrothermal activity. We all settled into the warm water; the dark night sky gleamed with the inconsistent light of countless stars. The smell of sage and the wonderful company was what he thought would be the most memorable part of this night, as slowly they all began to leave.
He hung back from the group waiting for the girl he had just met; in hopes of spending more time with her. As they walked slowly back to the car, the night was going just as he had hoped.
All of a sudden, they hear rapid footsteps approaching them. A large dark figure misses them by a few feet. There was no bravery in the young man's voice nor confidence; he let out what could only be described as a shriek as he asked, "what was that!" They both stood frozen, unsure of what to do as the dark figure circled its way back around. Its deep heavy breathing giving them a clue to what had just attacked us. The Bull now ten feet away, still just a black figure against the night sky, drags its foot across the hardened desert floor.
They ran. The bull charges behind them, its speed unnatural as if fueled by their fear. It would criss-cross the path they were running on stumbling over the boards. as it closed in, a heavy thud rang out; in the darkness, the bull had tripped over the boardwalk the two were running on allowing them time to get away.
Exhausted from their narrow escape, they sat on the hood of his car laughing late into the night in a little town named Crowley.