Story Time With Nery Thu, Jan 05, 2017
It was a brisk morning in Southern California. The sun had just begun to peer over the waves as it splashed its colorful display across the sky and water. It was her first day of Dawn Patrol since her last visit to the Pacific.
With a surfboard in hand, she braved the cold morning with the crucial help of a morning cup of coffee. As she enjoyed the simple aroma of her morning beverage, she set up her spot on the beach and painstakingly put on her wetsuit.
After a few sips, she was emboldened to brave the morning waters. She walked the fifteen feet towards the water to see what the Pacific had in store for her but, as she neared the water she had no idea of the mistake she had made...Until she turned back towards her newly established post, only to be met with dark black eyes peering at her from a phantasmal white face.
The bird had descended swiftly, towards her drink. She breaks into a run, attempting to match the speed of this newly-discovered enemy. It was too late. In a blur of feathers, it kicked the cup over, spilling its contents onto the sandy floor then dunking its orange beak into the remaining coffee.
The bird's cruelty was made fully apparent as it let out its haunting call, resembling laughter. This defeat was a hard one to take, but the day was not a total loss. As she paddled out into the morning waves she joined the chorus of laughter of her new formidable adversaries.