
Goals For 2021

Hello All,

I hope everyone is having a solid start to the year.  One of the goals I have set for myself this year are to exercise more consistently!  I will always start strong and then fall off the wagon after a few weeks.  Time to stay the course and stick to the routine!!!  The second goal I would like to share is that I am working on starting a podcast.  The topics will be....ahhh you will have to find that out when its up and running!  Please feel free to talk to me about any ideas you may have about podcasting!   I can use the help.  

Have a good one.



New Year, New Goals

Happy New Year! It is 2021! Yay!


One goal I made for myself, is for the whole month of January, no eating out. This is will be crazy hard for me as I really enjoy not cooking and cleaning up after every single meal. And I have an obsession with Chick Fil A. So this will be an interesting month. I am curious to see how much money I will save by not eating out.

Some other goals include putting my phone down and being more present and in the moment with people. I think our phones have become a major distraction and I want to set a good example for my kiddos. Another one is just being more appreciative of the things that I have, and not always needing the latest and greatest. So practicing gratitude I guess...


Hope everyone is doing well and I hope you have an awesome week!


All About Knitting

An interesting fact about me, that some of you may not yet know, is that I regularly knit. This hobby has been a favorite of mine since I was very young, as I am self-taught. However, I did take a formal class during my college career, which focused on knitting and weaving!

In just this last year, I have knit a number of blankets, pillow covers, and floor poofs. I do look forward to continuing this hobby into the New Year, with some different types of yarn that I do not have experience working with. This includes bulky yarns, such as wool, and velvet yarn. These types of yarn are extremely popular now, as many knitters can use them to hand-knit over-sized, chunky blankets (large enough to cover a king-sized bed).